Case Study Transpotation:“We are now exploring a number of projects in which we will be using Laserfiche’s tools to improve the way we do business with more opportunities coming into focus every day.”
Jeremy Parks,Director of Information Technology, JetLinx


Case Study Education: “Workflows within Laserfiche have made the process of storing our documents quick and quite honestly kind of fun.”
Elleah Wiebelhaus,
Business Manager ESU 8


Case Study Healthcare: “As we progress, we can just grow the system to meet our future needs and goals. Scalability was a big factor in choosing Laserfiche.”
Beth Nelson,
RN, CHPN, Healthcare Administrator


Case Study Non-Profit: “This is where technology intervenes to save lives. The vision is to streamline Heifer’s processes and use Laserfiche to manage contracts and track documents for projects that impact millions of families throughout the world.”
Bob Bloom,
Heifer International, Chief Financial Officer


Case Study Government: “Laserfiche helps us increase our capacity to get work done, even in times of tight budgets.”
Mike Hawkins,
Enterprise Content Analyst, La Plata County